Yea banger essay, sorry I shitposted before reading. I'm 100% of the same school of thought. Scenes are the atomic level of stories (rather than chapters which are arbitrary) so it makes sense to set creating one as a daily, achievable, positive goal as you describe.
Only thing I can think to add atm is that I like to reread the preceding scene/ light edit before writing next each day - great way to have a simple system!
I used to use the WPD method, and hated myself when I couldn't hit the 1500 words. Now, I've switched to scenes, and if that scene is finished, then I move on to the next scene. I can take hours to polish a scene, or it might flow like milk and honey. Lately, my chapters have moved from page count to scene count. Do I need 7 scenes to a chapter, or do I need 5? It all depends upon what the scenes are telling me.
BIG agree. For high-quality, solve problems. Don't get to arbitrary WPD and produce SLOP. WPD should probably be seen as a production/deadline tool, not a creative growth one.
Great essay and thoughts. After trying ‘words per day’ and swapping to a less stress-inducing ‘hours’ (or even ‘minutes’) per day formula for years, I’ve become a ‘just write’ person. 200 words is great. 45 minute is great. Rather than ‘scenes per day,’ I’m inclined to think of ‘problems.’ If I solve one narrative problem—which may well be ‘what is the next paragraph—or sentence—then I’ve had a good day.
Essay writing might be your calling.
Yea banger essay, sorry I shitposted before reading. I'm 100% of the same school of thought. Scenes are the atomic level of stories (rather than chapters which are arbitrary) so it makes sense to set creating one as a daily, achievable, positive goal as you describe.
Only thing I can think to add atm is that I like to reread the preceding scene/ light edit before writing next each day - great way to have a simple system!
I used to use the WPD method, and hated myself when I couldn't hit the 1500 words. Now, I've switched to scenes, and if that scene is finished, then I move on to the next scene. I can take hours to polish a scene, or it might flow like milk and honey. Lately, my chapters have moved from page count to scene count. Do I need 7 scenes to a chapter, or do I need 5? It all depends upon what the scenes are telling me.
So pleased you decided to switch to SPD. Thank you for the read.
I think I’ll use this approach!
BIG agree. For high-quality, solve problems. Don't get to arbitrary WPD and produce SLOP. WPD should probably be seen as a production/deadline tool, not a creative growth one.
Brilliant piece!
I've always done it this way. Great advice!
Great essay and thoughts. After trying ‘words per day’ and swapping to a less stress-inducing ‘hours’ (or even ‘minutes’) per day formula for years, I’ve become a ‘just write’ person. 200 words is great. 45 minute is great. Rather than ‘scenes per day,’ I’m inclined to think of ‘problems.’ If I solve one narrative problem—which may well be ‘what is the next paragraph—or sentence—then I’ve had a good day.
Kek wasn't this comment from a guy on your YouTube