Thorny thistles brushed by the breeze
Sent from stormy, cloudy seas;
But nestled with you, my liquid sleep,
I rest and feel a quiet deep.
Lightning shadows distant crags,
The angry fangs—the thunder lags;
But when you’re in my arms so sweet,
I rest and feel a quiet deep.
The storm winds clatter at my door
Persistent, hungry, wanting more;
So dreams of you I often keep
To rest and feel a quiet deep.
When I’m alone, when we’re apart,
When tears flow freely in the dark,
I curl up in bed; I count our sheep;
I rest and feel a quiet deep,
Because, someday, in future near
I know I won’t be waiting here
To hear you running, to watch you leap
Into my arms, your quiet deep.
Until that day, I ache and weep
For you, my love, my quiet deep.
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